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Showing posts from July, 2020

How to store last n-days of historical data in a partitioned table - second attempt

In the previous post , I've tried to reproduce the thinking process of how I redesigned the way historical data is stored in the relational database. The goal was to speed up daily maintenance tasks that age data. Dropping the oldest part of data would now take only milliseconds to execute. That was a huge success since with the previous solution the ageing task was running for minutes causing table-level locks and leading to drastic underperformance of the whole system. Why that was not the best idea? It's true that maintenance improvement was a success. It wasn't long before I realized introducing an additional column with rolling integer values by which the table had been partitioned maybe is a good idea to ease up moving the sliding window of data to another day but now writing ad-hoc queries in a way they would take advantage of partitioning is not straightforward hard. One would need to add an additional condition in each query on partition index column. Furtherm...